2022 Capitol Hill Art League Juried Exhibit2022 Fall Solo Exhibitions2022 Regional Juried Exhibit2023 CHAL & Hill Center Galleries Juried Exhibition2023 Regional Juried Exhibit2024 CHAL & Hill Center Galleries Juried Exhibition2024 Regional Juried Exhibition2025 Regional Juried Art ExhibitionAdero WillardAdrienne MouminAdrienne Moumin: ArchitexturesAlan BraleyAlan Braley – Mighty TrainsAlan Braley: A 50 Year Collection of BraleyartAlan Braley: The Joy of BaseballAlec DubroAlec Dubro: Hearts in AtlantisAmber M. HoyAndrea DennistonAndrea Denniston & Seth GuzovskyAndrea OttesenAndrea Ottesen: Botanika!Andrei KushnirAnne MarchandAnne ShieldsAnne Shields & Martha Pope: From Politics to PaintingAnnMarie HaltermanAnthony BremerAnthony Bremer: Rhythm of ColorApril Goodwin-GillAziza Claudia Gibson-HunterAziza Claudia Gibson-Hunter: Playing to WINBarbara HiggsBarbara NussBeth SperlazzaBetsy GlassieBetsy Glassie: PathwaysBirdie BooneBruce McNeilBruce McNeil: In the Land of EdenBulldog Pottery: Bruce Gholson & Samantha HennekeCamilla AscherCapitol Hill Art LeagueCapitol Hill Art League Juried Invitational 2018Capitol Hill Art League: Invitational Juried ExhibitionCarolyn Dilcher-StutzCarrie Creech: Emerging PotterCatherine WhiteCatherine White & Warren FrederickCecilia ArmellinCecilia Armellin: Wink on AsiaCedric BakerCedric Baker: Soul Searching…Transitions in SoulCharlie GaynorCharlie VisconageCharlie Visconage: Cool Guy Alert!Christianne KingChristianne King: Evocations; Scenes Near WaterChristina BendoChristina BendoChristina Marian LundCinCin FangCinCin Fang: A CollectionCynthia Scott: Featured ArtistDan FinneganDan FinneganDana EllynDana Ellyn & Matt Sesow: CollaboratorsDanielle CarelockDavid & Junko YoungDavid AmorosoDavid Amoroso: Frida y los MachosDavid HoranDéjà Vu: Matt SesowDesiree SterbiniDesiree Sterbini: With These HandsDilip ShethDilip ShethDilip Sheth: Come Into My WorldDilip Sheth: Figuratively SpeakingDonna PolsenoDoug PeltzmanEdith DislerEhren Tool: Special GuestElissa Farrow-SavosElizabeth DranitzkeElizabeth Dranitzke: Portraits of WomenEllen CornettEllen Cornett: Animal CrackersFall Single Artist ExhibitsFibers Of Our Culture by the African American Fiber Arts GuildFierce SoniaFierce Sonia: Once Upon a Future So BrightFloyd Chris HowesGary LancasterGediyon KifleGertrude Graham SmithGuillermo CuéllarGuy Terry KuhnGuy Terry Kuhn: Circular ViewHill Center Galleries & Capitol Hill Art League Juried ExhibitionHill Center Galleries Juried Exhibition 2018Holly AhrensHolly Ahrens: District LifeHolly FriesJan KernJane MannJane Mann: Layers IIJanie McGeeJanie McGee: Black-Eyed Suzies and GraceJeanne Batalova & Ben AmareJeanne Batalova & Ben Amare: Aging With EdgeJenny McGeeJenny McGee: Reality No MoreJenny MendesJenny Mendes CopyJoanathan BessaciJoanathan Bessaci: mapsJoel WillsonJoEllen MurphyJoEllen Murphy: The Vibrant LandscapeJohn L. PachecoJohn L. Pacheco: AbstractionsJudith PeckJudith Peck: Gathering ShardsJulie KeeneJulie WigginsJunk Art Club: The Climate Change Project – Climate Change Through the Eyes of a Middle SchoolerJunk Art Club: The Climate Change Project – Climate JusticeJunk Art Club: The Climate Change Project – Fish SticksJunk Art Club: The Climate Change Project – Plant a Tree Broken MirrorJunk Art Club: The Climate Change Project – Skolstrejk för KlimatetJustyne FischerKaren CohenKaren Cohen – PhantasmKaren Cohen: A She ThingKaren Cohen: PhantasizeKaren Cohen: SurrealityKarin EdgettKasse Andrews-WellerKasse Andrews-Weller – Framed Ceramics Fall 2023Kasse Andrews-Weller – Framed Ceramics Spring 2023Kasse Andrews-Weller – Kente MosaicsKasse Andrews-Weller: Heal USKasse Andrews-Weller: SunflowersKate WaltmanKatherine MaloneyKatherine MaloneyKathy TurnerKelly D. McPhee Sr.Ken BachmanKen Bachman: ExplorationsKent McLaughlinKenyon HansenKevin CroweKhanh NguyenKhanh Nguyen: Women, AnonymousKitchen Gallery – Rindy OBrien: Cooking CultureKitty KauppKitty Kaupp: Landscapes, Flowers, GardensKyle CarpenterKyle Scott LeeLarry O’ReillyLarry O’Reilly: Contemporary Still LifesLarry O’Reilly: IlluminationsLarry O’Reilly – Botanica: Art of the PossibleLauren BraneyLeslie M. NolanLeslie M. Nolan: Flip-SideLillian FitzgeraldLinda ButtonLinda NortonLinda Norton: Global DreamsLisa L. GreearLisa OrrM. Alexander GrayM. Alexander Gray: Woodcuts and EngravingsMaria Teresa FrescasMaria Teresa FrescasMaria-Victoria ChecaMaria-Victoria Checa: Reflections in ColorMarily MojicaMarily Mojica: A World in ColorMarité VidalesMarité Vidales: Searching for HomeMark HewittMark ShapiroMark Tobin MooreMartha PopeMartha PopeMary B. Lopez Miller: Special GuestMary BarringerMathew MeunierMatt Kelleher & Shoko TeruyamaMatt SesowMatthew HoalcraftMatthew HyleckMatthew KrouseyMatthew MetzMichael CrossettMichael Crossett & Charlie Gaynor: Inner City HuesMichael FordMichael Ford: HOMEPLACEMichael GreenMichael HiggsMichael Hunt and Naomi DalglishMichael KlineMike McSorleyMike McSorley: Introspection/InspectionMike MitchellMike Mitchell: Four Seasons in the C&O Canal National Historical ParkMiki PalchickMonica ServaitesMonica Servaites: Downside UpMonica Servaites: RefractionNarrative FiguresNico GozalNico Gozal: With Flying ColorNicole Ida FossiNicole Ida Fossi: Reveal/ConcealPatrick CampbellPaula CleggettPaula Cleggett: Shine the LightPhilip LivingstonPhilip Livingston: A Natural History of Washington DCPottery on the Hill 2017Pottery on the Hill 2018Pottery on the Hill 2019Pottery on the Hill 2020Pottery on the Hill 2023: The PottersPottery on the Hill 2024Pottery on the HIll Silent Auction to Support Hill Center 2020Rachael BohlanderRachael Bohlander: Art of EmpowermentRance RuppRance Rupp: Tranquil EclipseRegional Juried ExhibitRegional Juried Exhibition 2018Regional Juried Exhibition 2019Regional Juried Exhibition 2019Regional Juried Exhibition 2020Regional Juried Exhibition 2020Richard AerniRichard HensleyRichard HensleyRichard Paul WeiblingerRichard Paul Weiblinger: Unique VisionsRick WarringtonRindy OBrienRindy OBrien – Capitol Hill CreaturesRindy OBrien – DC Food TrucksRindy OBrien – Opening Doors and WindowsRindy OBrien: Anticipating SpringRobert BriscoeRobin Fender & Cory PolandRyan GreenheckSally CanzoneriSally Canzoneri: Then – And NowSam TaylorSarah-Anne Winchester: Emerging PotterScott WarrenSofia KifleSofia Kifle & Gediyon Kifle: The Jazz ExperienceSondra HassanSondra Hassan: Quilted Wall HangingsSpotlight Series – INKED AND PULLED: In Memoriam by Justyne FischerSpotlight Series: Ellen Cornett – Once Upon a TimeStacy SnyderStitched: Stories told in Clay, Fiber, Textiles and PaintsStudio Touya: Hitomi & Takuro ShibataSue Decker – Cosmic PlatesSusan DeckerSusan Schwei: Special GuestSuzanne VigilSuze LindsayTan ArmentroutTara HamiltonTara Hamilton: What the Watercolor Eye SeesTati KauppTeresa K. HowesThe DC Series: Dilip ShethThe Hill Rag’s Art and the City: A Column by Jim MagnerThom SlaughterThomas BucciTiffany WheelerTim EggersTim Eggers: Display on the WildTime Tradition: Winston HarrisTracy FreinTREEmendous Juried Exhibition 2019TREEmendous Juried Exhibition 2019Trista Depp Chapmantruth: Karin EdgettUniting Us: VetART (Art Rehab Therapy)Uniting US: Veterans Art ShowWanjin KimWanjin Kim: BloomingWarren FrederickWarren JacksonWarren Jackson: StorytellerWilliam Arthur McDonaldWinston HarrisWorld Views: Scott WarrenYemonja SmallsYemonja Smalls: MetamorphoSISYoung Artists from NairobiYoung Artists from Nairobi: Through Their EyesYoung Artists GalleryYoung Artists Gallery – Who We Are: Brent IdentitiesYoung Artists Gallery Maury Elementary SchoolYoung Artists Gallery: “One Million… What?”Young Artists Gallery: “Printmaking Palooza”Young Artists Gallery: “Wabi-sabi – Flawed Beauty”Young Artists Gallery: Crafting PersonalitiesYoung Artists Gallery: Living Jewels – Insect Treasures