Richard Paul Weiblinger is an accomplished, award winning, and completely self-taught photographer. Richard is originally from Pittsburg, Pennsylvania and currently resides in suburban Maryland just outside of Washington DC.
Color is a major focus of his work with many of his pieces exhibiting a chromatically strong theme. Recently, he has been exploring the vibrant colors which can be created by utilizing the digital post processing technique of High Dynamic Range (HDR) photography. Over the last several years he has begun to exhibit his work and has found himself creating art not just documenting the world around him.
Richard’s photography portfolio is an accumulation of landscape, nature, wildlife, architecture and macro photography images. Richard’s work has been exhibited in solo exhibitions, national juried exhibitions, galleries, and has been published in numerous publications. Richards images have been placed in offices, conference rooms and hotels nationwide. Art consultants from New York have placed his work in numerous offices nationwide.
Richard can be reach via email at rweiblinger@jhu.edu
For additional specific exhibition and publication details please review his photographers resume and artist’s statement on his website http://weiblingerphotography.com/