Our Spanish language class for adults launches soon. We're thrilled to introduce our neighbor Ana…

3 Questions for Spanish Language Teacher Esther Gentile
After a long journey from Cuba to Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Pennsylvania and Ohio, Esther Gentile finally arrived in Washington, DC in 2013. For the past two years, she has taught Spanish for beginning and advanced students at University of Washington, DC and now brings her talents to Hill Center’s adult Spanish classes. In her own words, “Spanish is the subject I teach, but overall, my objective is to motivate, inspire, encourage and lead people. Teaching gives me the opportunity to encourage people and to help them to believe in themselves.”
Before new adult Spanish classes begin, we asked Esther to answer a few of the most commonly asked questions of our teachers.
1. What is your favorite Spanish-speaking city to visit?
I have visited many cities where the first language is Spanish. I can say they all have interesting cultures and history. But my favorite city is Havana – and not because I was born there! It is impossible to resist its special charm: people, architecture, history, art and that unique atmosphere where the sea breeze and the chords of music are always in the air.
2. What is your favorite Spanish restaurant in DC?
My favorite restaurant in the Washington, DC area until recently was Rumba Cafe in Adams Morgan, which sadly closed after 20 years of serving Latino, U.S. and foreign clientele. It is a much-missed food and live music venue. Now looking for new places to please my palate and my spirit. I’m open to suggestions regarding an alternative.
3. What is the most confusing lesson for students learning a new language?
Whenever you learn a new language, everything may seem confusing. Speaking from experience learning English, my advice for anyone is: Have patience and dedicate time. Do not feel embarrassed to speak out of class, even if your pronunciation is not perfect. Make an effort to make yourself understood, and above all don’t be afraid of making mistakes – you always learn from them. Hasta la vista!!!
Like what you see here? Check out our adult Spanish classes with Esther. They feature small class sizes and flexible scheduling. New classes begin year round.