January 5 – February 26, 2017
Thirty-seven artists from the Capitol Hill Art League, a visual arts program featuring members from the Capitol Hill neighborhood and DC metro region, show works from a wide variety of mediums. Jurors Nicky Cymrot and Alan Braley of the Hill Center Galleries chose the following artists for the show: Mary Ellen Abrecht, Kasse Andrews-Weller, Ken Bachman, Kimberley Bursic, Sally Canzoneri, Marilyn Christiano, Paula Cleggett, Karen Cohen, Marie-B De Amicis, Karin Edgett, Fierce Sonia, Jill Finsen, Bob Fuller, Kay Fuller, Tara Hamilton, Vince Iannacchione, Barbara Johnson, Eric Johnson, JoAnn Lamicella Laboy, Robert Lipartito, Charles Martin, Kate McConnell, Mike McSorley, Ohana Murao, Hernan Murno, Linda Norton, Rindy OBrien, Joan Owings, Ann Pickett, Erik Ramsey, Sajeela Ramsey, Meera Rao, Carolyn Rondthaler, Judy Searles, Patricia Smith, Ann Thomson and Karen Zens.